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Travel Nursing

Earn a Living and Travel at the Same Time

 NurseA travel nurse provides relief for hospitals, clinics, and other short staffed healthcare facilities all over the country that are struggling with nursing shortages. As a travel nurse working with a staffing agency like Barton Healthcare Staffing, you get to pick where you work and how often you work, giving you the opportunity to enjoy a flexible lifestyle while providing high quality patient care.

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Travel Nursing Resources

Travel Nurse Salary Outlook

The average travel nurse salary has evened back out after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, but even though hourly rates for travel nurses have cooled down from the all-time-high they experienced during the pandemic, this should be no cause for panic. Travel nurses have historically always had higher annual earning potentials than permanently employed nurses.

Tips For First Time Night Shift Nurses

Nurses are in higher demand now more than ever before, and this demand doesn’t sleep. If you’ve just booked your first ever assignment covering the night shift and you’re wondering what to expect, look no further! Barton Healthcare Staffing asked experienced night shifters how they prepare for night shifts and is sharing their expert survival tips with you—including how to create a night shift nurse sleep schedule that works for you.

3 Travel Nurse Housing Options For Your Next Assignment

When you work with Barton Healthcare Staffing, you receive a housing stipend to put toward your travel nurse housing accommodations, and you get a whole travel team on your side, devoted to guiding and assisting you to not only find housing options, but also to help you decide which option is the right choice for you.

Getting a Mortgage: Tips for Travel Nurses

When it comes time for you to buy a home as a travel nurse, you may run into some unique challenges, as a multiple-week contract looks to mortgage underwriters as having unsteady employment.

Travel Nursing for New Graduate Nurses

Travel nursing requires experience at the bedside—and while you may not have that at the moment, there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself for when you’re ready to get out and explore the world while helping patients as a travel nurse.

How Taxes Work As A Travel Nurse

As a travel nurse with BHS, you are a W-2 employee- not an independent contractor, meaning that you don’t have to worry about filing taxes quarterly. Still, it’s important to understand how tax deductions and tax-free stipends work as a travel nurse.

A Day in The Life Of An OB Nurse

Many people refer to an OBGYN nurse position as “the best job ever.” While the job certainly has its benefits, it also comes with challenges. Contrary to popular belief, the role involves much more than “sitting around and holding babies all day.” Find out what a day in the life of an OB nurse entails.

Professional Development Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Your Nursing Skills

Learning is a lifelong endeavor—no matter how confident you are in your knowledge and abilities, there’s always room for improvement. This is especially true for travel nurses and other healthcare professionals, as medicine constantly evolves with the discovery of new ways to treat patients and diagnose diseases.

2024 Travel Nursing Jobs Outlook

If you’re a registered nurse (RN) who’s looking for a change of pace from retirement or a permanent job, travel nursing jobs are a great way to see new areas of the country, work in different practice environments, and potentially make more money.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Do I need any extra training from additional nursing programs to be a travel nurse?

A: Nope! Travel nurses are simply permanent nurses that decided they want to travel around the country for a living. There is no additional training needed.

Q: How do I become a travel nurse?

A: That’s an easy one! Simply fill out the form on our homepage and a recruiter will get in contact with you.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions?

A: You have a few options. First of all, your recruiter will be available to help you at any time, even when you are on assignment. Listed below you’ll find some of our great resources.

– Licensing and Onboarding

– Travel Arrangements

– About BHS

Visit Our Full FAQ Page